BÅTMODELLBYGGE. three English books on model boat building; Hobbs / McNarry.

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387890. BÅTMODELLBYGGE. three English books on model boat building; Hobbs / McNarry.


Hobbs, Edward W. How to make clipper ship models, A Practical Manual dealing with every aspect of Clipper Ship Modeling from the Simplest Waterline Types to Fine Scale Models fit for Exhibition purposes. Brown, Son & Ferguson. 1952 215p. Illustrated, black and white.
+ Hobbs, Edward W. How to make old time ship models. Brown, Son & Ferguson publishers. 1962 208p. Illustrated, black and white. Hardcover, dust jacket + McNarry, Donald. Ship models in miniature. Signed. David & Charles Publishers. 1975. 176p. Illustrated, black and white. Hardcover, dust jacket.


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387890. BÅTMODELLBYGGE. three English books on model boat building; Hobbs / McNarry.


Hobbs, Edward W. How to make clipper ship models, A Practical Manual dealing with every aspect of Clipper Ship Modeling from the Simplest Waterline Types to Fine Scale Models fit for Exhibition purposes. Brown, Son & Ferguson. 1952 215p. Illustrated, black and white.
+ Hobbs, Edward W. How to make old time ship models. Brown, Son & Ferguson publishers. 1962 208p. Illustrated, black and white. Hardcover, dust jacket + McNarry, Donald. Ship models in miniature. Signed. David & Charles Publishers. 1975. 176p. Illustrated, black and white. Hardcover, dust jacket.


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