TUPU, dräktnål, 1700/1800-tal, Peru/ Bolivia, silver, dekor i genombruten relief av blomsterurna.


2836717. TUPU, dräktnål, 1700/1800-tal, Peru/ Bolivia, silver, dekor i genombruten relief av blomsterurna.


Längd ca 29,5 cm,
Vikt ca 45 g

Inca tupus were a basic element of female attire, used to secure dresses and shawls. Larger ones, such as the center example with a flat shaft, were worn in matching pairs suspended from the neck so the disk-shaped heads covered the chest.

The cloak pin or tupu (also known as topo). Tupus were worn point facing upwards to hold the dress together and to pin the cloak or shoulder mantle (lliclla) about the shoulders. They were a prominent means of displaying wealth and finery for women across the Andes. Worn sometimes in pairs, the pins were worn in both pre and post colonial times, although the styles of the pins changed with colonialism.


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20 maj 2023 kl. 11:46 CDT
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2 20 maj, 11:4491 EUR
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2 20 maj, 11:4487 EUR
2 20 maj, 11:4382 EUR
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2836717. TUPU, dräktnål, 1700/1800-tal, Peru/ Bolivia, silver, dekor i genombruten relief av blomsterurna.


Längd ca 29,5 cm,
Vikt ca 45 g

Inca tupus were a basic element of female attire, used to secure dresses and shawls. Larger ones, such as the center example with a flat shaft, were worn in matching pairs suspended from the neck so the disk-shaped heads covered the chest.

The cloak pin or tupu (also known as topo). Tupus were worn point facing upwards to hold the dress together and to pin the cloak or shoulder mantle (lliclla) about the shoulders. They were a prominent means of displaying wealth and finery for women across the Andes. Worn sometimes in pairs, the pins were worn in both pre and post colonial times, although the styles of the pins changed with colonialism.


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Antal besök: 271