
1619328. CARRIE MASON. RIOJA FLOW X, 2020.


Rött vin, salt och bläck på papper,
15 cm x 15 cm.

Carrie Mason:
Carrie Mason (b.1971) is a visual artist based in Dorset. Following a career in local government, Mason returned to education to pursue her passion for art in 2013 completing a BA (Hons) Fine Art (1st Class) in 2016. The Dean’s Scholarship award enabled her to pursue further study, graduating from the Arts University Bournemouth with a Masters in Fine Art (Distinction) in 2017.

Since graduating, Mason was awarded the Dorset Visual Arts and b-side Festival Platform bursary resulting in Marking Time, a drawing performed live at the festival in 2018 and later included in the publication Drawing on Dorset and the accompanying touring exhibition. Silentia a live drawing (using wax and wine) was commissioned by the Bournemouth Emerging Arts Festival in 2019. Mason was selected to be one of the supporting artists at the Dorset Moon festival in 2019, performing Pledge with audience participation at the Bournemouth and Weymouth venues. She is an active member of the Dorset Visual Arts Salon Collective and has exhibited widely in Dorset, and in Hampshire and London.

Her multi-disciplinary practice includes drawings on paper, sculpture, printmaking, video and performance. Through methodical and painstakingly repetitive processes where a mark, or action, is repeated until a transformation takes place, Mason seeks to counter the overwhelming distractions of contemporary life, to re-engage with a sense of being present and give attention to a moment in time.


Direkt från konstnärer studio - tydligen i galleriet skick, se bilder. Eftersom denna ritning görs med rött vin är den inte ”ljusbeständig” och bakgrundsfärgen väntas ändras och blekna, exponering för direkt solljus bör undvikas. Detta är avsett som en del av arbetet. Den fina linjeteckningen som spårar rödvinsfläcken är permanent pigmentbläck som kommer att föra ett ”register” över fläcken.




Dorset Visual Arts Auction

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Högsta bud:
119 EUR
Värdering: 144 EUR
Slutar om:
27 mar 2021 kl. 12:55 EDT
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2 26 mar, 18:44119 EUR
3 A 26 mar, 18:44113 EUR
3 23 mar, 14:47112 EUR
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1619328. CARRIE MASON. RIOJA FLOW X, 2020.


Rött vin, salt och bläck på papper,
15 cm x 15 cm.

Carrie Mason:
Carrie Mason (b.1971) is a visual artist based in Dorset. Following a career in local government, Mason returned to education to pursue her passion for art in 2013 completing a BA (Hons) Fine Art (1st Class) in 2016. The Dean’s Scholarship award enabled her to pursue further study, graduating from the Arts University Bournemouth with a Masters in Fine Art (Distinction) in 2017.

Since graduating, Mason was awarded the Dorset Visual Arts and b-side Festival Platform bursary resulting in Marking Time, a drawing performed live at the festival in 2018 and later included in the publication Drawing on Dorset and the accompanying touring exhibition. Silentia a live drawing (using wax and wine) was commissioned by the Bournemouth Emerging Arts Festival in 2019. Mason was selected to be one of the supporting artists at the Dorset Moon festival in 2019, performing Pledge with audience participation at the Bournemouth and Weymouth venues. She is an active member of the Dorset Visual Arts Salon Collective and has exhibited widely in Dorset, and in Hampshire and London.

Her multi-disciplinary practice includes drawings on paper, sculpture, printmaking, video and performance. Through methodical and painstakingly repetitive processes where a mark, or action, is repeated until a transformation takes place, Mason seeks to counter the overwhelming distractions of contemporary life, to re-engage with a sense of being present and give attention to a moment in time.


Direkt från konstnärer studio - tydligen i galleriet skick, se bilder. Eftersom denna ritning görs med rött vin är den inte ”ljusbeständig” och bakgrundsfärgen väntas ändras och blekna, exponering för direkt solljus bör undvikas. Detta är avsett som en del av arbetet. Den fina linjeteckningen som spårar rödvinsfläcken är permanent pigmentbläck som kommer att föra ett ”register” över fläcken.




Dorset Visual Arts Auction

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