KURT ARD. after, offset print, 3 pcs, among others, a motif of a baker, signed in the print.

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578393. KURT ARD. after, offset print, 3 pcs, among others, a motif of a baker, signed in the print.


Three offset prints. Signed in the print Kurt Ard.
Motifs of bakers, cobblers and men shoveling snow.
Sheet size from 43x21 cm.


Unmade, one with folds.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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578393. KURT ARD. after, offset print, 3 pcs, among others, a motif of a baker, signed in the print.


Three offset prints. Signed in the print Kurt Ard.
Motifs of bakers, cobblers and men shoveling snow.
Sheet size from 43x21 cm.


Unmade, one with folds.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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