A set of 8 Hälsingland Textiles/DELSBOSÖM, Allmoge, 18th/20th century.


3951954. A set of 8 Hälsingland Textiles/DELSBOSÖM, Allmoge, 18th/20th century.


Embroidered and pinched on linen and cotton.
Pendant 63 x 193 cm
Curtain 64 x 195 cm
Sheet 100 x 192 cm
Pillowcases 46 x 77 cm, cross stitch
Pillowcases 44 x 95 cm, cross stitch
Curtain 32 x 188 cm incl fringe, dated 1873
Curtain cape 50 x 162 cm, stem stitch with hearts and flowers.


Age and wear, yellowing and holes may occur, repairs and patches, threads, fringing, fading on embroidery.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
258 EUR
Estimate: 226 EUR
Ends in:
19 Dec 2024 at 05:32 CST
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Bid history

4 A 19 Dec, 05:29258 EUR
3 19 Dec, 05:29240 EUR
4 A 19 Dec, 05:29222 EUR
Show all 17 bids
3951954. A set of 8 Hälsingland Textiles/DELSBOSÖM, Allmoge, 18th/20th century.


Embroidered and pinched on linen and cotton.
Pendant 63 x 193 cm
Curtain 64 x 195 cm
Sheet 100 x 192 cm
Pillowcases 46 x 77 cm, cross stitch
Pillowcases 44 x 95 cm, cross stitch
Curtain 32 x 188 cm incl fringe, dated 1873
Curtain cape 50 x 162 cm, stem stitch with hearts and flowers.


Age and wear, yellowing and holes may occur, repairs and patches, threads, fringing, fading on embroidery.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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