WANDA LUBELSKA. Abstract composition, oil on canvas, signed Wanda 62.


338248. WANDA LUBELSKA. Abstract composition, oil on canvas, signed Wanda 62.


Wanda Lubelska was educated at the School of Art in Gdansk and at the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm, after moving to the USA in 1968 she became a recognized graphic designer.

Dimensions: 40x32 cm.


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Highest bid:
68 EUR
Estimate: 108 EUR
Ends in:
25 Oct 2015 at 10:59 EDT
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Bid history

5 25 Oct, 10:4468 EUR
4 A 25 Oct, 10:4363 EUR
5 25 Oct, 10:4363 EUR
Show all 8 bids
338248. WANDA LUBELSKA. Abstract composition, oil on canvas, signed Wanda 62.


Wanda Lubelska was educated at the School of Art in Gdansk and at the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm, after moving to the USA in 1968 she became a recognized graphic designer.

Dimensions: 40x32 cm.


No remarks.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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