TISCHLEUCHTE, UM 1910. Bronze lamp base, plastic molding of putti & floral elements, ball feet.

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312130. TISCHLEUCHTE, UM 1910. Bronze lamp base, plastic molding of putti & floral elements, ball feet.


Very nice table lamp from around 1910; Design of the lamp base with elements from different art epochs. Florals from Art Nouveau and historicism. flared ball feet held by claws, winged angel heads above, lamp staff with acanthus blossoms. Lampshade, electrification and sockets added. dimensions approx. 68x35x35cm.


Screen with small dents. Good condition.

Resale right


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312130. TISCHLEUCHTE, UM 1910. Bronze lamp base, plastic molding of putti & floral elements, ball feet.


Very nice table lamp from around 1910; Design of the lamp base with elements from different art epochs. Florals from Art Nouveau and historicism. flared ball feet held by claws, winged angel heads above, lamp staff with acanthus blossoms. Lampshade, electrification and sockets added. dimensions approx. 68x35x35cm.


Screen with small dents. Good condition.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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