ROSENTHAL, RAYMOND PEYNET. Small polychrome funnel vase, small book enclosed.

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309975. ROSENTHAL, RAYMOND PEYNET. Small polychrome funnel vase, small book enclosed.


Raymond Peynet (11/16/1908 Paris - 01/14/1999 Mougins); in this lot a vase from his time, 1955 - 1966, at the Rosenthal manufactory. As an encore, a pocket edition of his book "As Always in Love". dimensions approx. H 11.5 x W 17.5 cm / H 9.5 x W 6.5 cm.


Good condition.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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309975. ROSENTHAL, RAYMOND PEYNET. Small polychrome funnel vase, small book enclosed.


Raymond Peynet (11/16/1908 Paris - 01/14/1999 Mougins); in this lot a vase from his time, 1955 - 1966, at the Rosenthal manufactory. As an encore, a pocket edition of his book "As Always in Love". dimensions approx. H 11.5 x W 17.5 cm / H 9.5 x W 6.5 cm.


Good condition.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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