JACKIE LYND. Food/coffee service approx. 260 pieces, "Diamant", Rörstrand.


2525176. JACKIE LYND. Food/coffee service approx. 260 pieces, "Diamant", Rörstrand.


Mat plates 19 pcs diameter 24.5 cm.
Mat plates 23 pcs diameter 27 cm.
Deep plates 40 pcs diameter 21 cm.
Deep plates 12 pcs diameter 16 cm.
Coffee mugs 21 pcs height 8.5 cm.
Tea mugs with saucers 5 pcs height 9.5 cm.
Plates 50 pcs diameter 19 cm.
Tray 34.5 x 24.5 cm.
Deep bowls 7 pcs diameter 16 and 19 cm.
Serving dishes 4 pcs diameter 22 and 27 cm.
Coffee cups with saucers 40 pcs height 5.5 cm.
Glögg mugs 12 pcs height 4.5 cm.
Egg cups 19 pcs height 4 cm.
Sugar bowls 4 pcs height 4.5 cm.
Cream jugs 3 pcs height 7 cm.
Sow jugs 2 pcs diameter 11 cm.


Some parts labeled blood donors give with the heart, "Many drops small...".
Not fully reviewed.
Cutlery scratches occur.

Resale right



Jackie Lynd (Born 1948)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
292 EUR
Estimate: 183 EUR
Ends in:
28 Nov 2022 at 15:51 EST
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Bid history

4 28 Nov, 15:49292 EUR
3 A 28 Nov, 15:49274 EUR
3 A 28 Nov, 15:48274 EUR
Show all 32 bids
2525176. JACKIE LYND. Food/coffee service approx. 260 pieces, "Diamant", Rörstrand.


Mat plates 19 pcs diameter 24.5 cm.
Mat plates 23 pcs diameter 27 cm.
Deep plates 40 pcs diameter 21 cm.
Deep plates 12 pcs diameter 16 cm.
Coffee mugs 21 pcs height 8.5 cm.
Tea mugs with saucers 5 pcs height 9.5 cm.
Plates 50 pcs diameter 19 cm.
Tray 34.5 x 24.5 cm.
Deep bowls 7 pcs diameter 16 and 19 cm.
Serving dishes 4 pcs diameter 22 and 27 cm.
Coffee cups with saucers 40 pcs height 5.5 cm.
Glögg mugs 12 pcs height 4.5 cm.
Egg cups 19 pcs height 4 cm.
Sugar bowls 4 pcs height 4.5 cm.
Cream jugs 3 pcs height 7 cm.
Sow jugs 2 pcs diameter 11 cm.


Some parts labeled blood donors give with the heart, "Many drops small...".
Not fully reviewed.
Cutlery scratches occur.

Resale right



Jackie Lynd (Born 1948)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

Do you have something similar to sell? Get your items valued free of charge!


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