ULRICA HYDMAN-VALLIEN. 2 GLASS CUPS "GOBLET GOLD", LIMITED. Kosta-Boda, Sweden. Height 26 cm. signature: 7326005 Kosta Boda Lim.Ed.150 Ulrica HV.

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244584. ULRICA HYDMAN-VALLIEN. 2 GLASS CUPS "GOBLET GOLD", LIMITED. Kosta-Boda, Sweden. Height 26 cm. signature: 7326005 Kosta Boda Lim.Ed.150 Ulrica HV.


Depiction of man and woman. Colorless glass. Polychrome and gold painted. Work by Ulrica Hydman-Vallien ( b. 1938 in Stockholm, Sweden). Working as a designer at Kosta-Boda since 1972. Her works are represented in several museums around the world.


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244584. ULRICA HYDMAN-VALLIEN. 2 GLASS CUPS "GOBLET GOLD", LIMITED. Kosta-Boda, Sweden. Height 26 cm. signature: 7326005 Kosta Boda Lim.Ed.150 Ulrica HV.


Depiction of man and woman. Colorless glass. Polychrome and gold painted. Work by Ulrica Hydman-Vallien ( b. 1938 in Stockholm, Sweden). Working as a designer at Kosta-Boda since 1972. Her works are represented in several museums around the world.


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