EINAR NORMAN. A Collection of sculptures. Terracotta, plaster and lightweight concrete. Monogram signed (2) and unsigned (2).

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23442. EINAR NORMAN. A Collection of sculptures. Terracotta, plaster and lightweight concrete. Monogram signed (2) and unsigned (2).


17 - 45 cm.

Einar Norman was born in Avesta in 1896 and died in Malmö in 1950. He was largely self-taught, but studied at the Essem school in Malmö 1945-47. Made a study trip to France in 1947. He had several exhibitions in Malmö between the years 1945-50. Norman worked mainly in granite and plaster, and is known for his fine surface work on the granite sculptures.


Minor rejections and abrasions.

Resale right


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23442. EINAR NORMAN. A Collection of sculptures. Terracotta, plaster and lightweight concrete. Monogram signed (2) and unsigned (2).


17 - 45 cm.

Einar Norman was born in Avesta in 1896 and died in Malmö in 1950. He was largely self-taught, but studied at the Essem school in Malmö 1945-47. Made a study trip to France in 1947. He had several exhibitions in Malmö between the years 1945-50. Norman worked mainly in granite and plaster, and is known for his fine surface work on the granite sculptures.


Minor rejections and abrasions.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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