- HEINZ SCHOBER. Three Musketeers - Unterweissbach, 20th century.

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1885944. - HEINZ SCHOBER. Three Musketeers - Unterweissbach, 20th century.


Design by Heinz Schober (1933-1997), porcelain, polychrome painted, gold equipped, each on a naturalistic base with gold rim, 1x Porthos with drinking cup, 1x Athos with saber and two pistols, 1x Aramis with saber and cape, each with blue manufacturer's mark, H .about 23-25cm.


1 cracked socket (Aramis).

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1885944. - HEINZ SCHOBER. Three Musketeers - Unterweissbach, 20th century.


Design by Heinz Schober (1933-1997), porcelain, polychrome painted, gold equipped, each on a naturalistic base with gold rim, 1x Porthos with drinking cup, 1x Athos with saber and two pistols, 1x Aramis with saber and cape, each with blue manufacturer's mark, H .about 23-25cm.


1 cracked socket (Aramis).

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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