336. Wine glasses, forest glass around 1800. 3 Roman glasses with a tulip base, stem with three flower nodes.

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336. 384051. Wine glasses, forest glass around 1800. 3 Roman glasses with a tulip base, stem with three flower nodes.


3 glasses with demolition, around 1800. height approx. 16cm, stand 7cm.


Good condition.

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Hammer auction

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336. 384051. Wine glasses, forest glass around 1800. 3 Roman glasses with a tulip base, stem with three flower nodes.


3 glasses with demolition, around 1800. height approx. 16cm, stand 7cm.


Good condition.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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Catalogue no

14. Auktion - Sommer 2016

Visits: 648