233. Sukhothai Buddha. 8 antiques from Thailand (Siam).


233. 439333. Sukhothai Buddha. 8 antiques from Thailand (Siam).


Material bronze + metal, small busts with Ushnisha and humpback curls, some probably 13th/14th c. Century, mounted on a wooden base. height approx. 5.5 - 19 cm.


Finding condition with signs of age.

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233. 439333. Sukhothai Buddha. 8 antiques from Thailand (Siam).


Material bronze + metal, small busts with Ushnisha and humpback curls, some probably 13th/14th c. Century, mounted on a wooden base. height approx. 5.5 - 19 cm.


Finding condition with signs of age.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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Catalogue no

14. Auktion - Sommer 2016

Visits: 389