169. OTTO WRETLING. “The ideal table”, Umeå, 1930s, veneered with birch, teak and blackened wood, rectangular shape with folding top in light birch with stylized inlays, height-adjustable.


169. 3112769. OTTO WRETLING. “The ideal table”, Umeå, 1930s, veneered with birch, teak and blackened wood, rectangular shape with folding top in light birch with stylized inlays, height-adjustable.


Height 60 - 78 cm, 68 x 112 cm, unfolded 68 x 224 cm

This table was designed in 1935 by Otto Wretling in collaboration with his son Bo Wretling.


Minimal Normal wear and tear.

Resale right


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Hammer auction

Highest bid:
1 791 EUR
Estimate: 1 791 – 2 238 EUR
Catalogue number 169 in Modern & Contemporary Autumn 2023
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Bid history

6 6 Nov, 10:111 791 EUR
The reserve price of 1 791 EUR was met.
6 6 Nov, 10:091 612 EUR
6 6 Nov, 10:091 075 EUR
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169. 3112769. OTTO WRETLING. “The ideal table”, Umeå, 1930s, veneered with birch, teak and blackened wood, rectangular shape with folding top in light birch with stylized inlays, height-adjustable.


Height 60 - 78 cm, 68 x 112 cm, unfolded 68 x 224 cm

This table was designed in 1935 by Otto Wretling in collaboration with his son Bo Wretling.


Minimal Normal wear and tear.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Modern & Contemporary Autumn 2023

Visits: 1,363