129. ALVAR AALTO. Coffee table, Artek, Finland 1970s, model MX 800 B, the top is made of mahogany rods with interleaved birch and birch.


129. 2483444. ALVAR AALTO. Coffee table, Artek, Finland 1970s, model MX 800 B, the top is made of mahogany rods with interleaved birch and birch.


Height 56, 80 x 80 cm.


Minor Normal wear and tear For condition report please contact ulrika.ruding@auktionsverket.se.

Resale right



Alvar Aalto (1898–1976)

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Hammer auction

Highest bid:
1 180 EUR
Estimate: 1 361 – 1 633 EUR
Catalogue number 129 in Modern & Contemporary Autumn 2022
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Bid history

8 14 Nov, 16:111 180 EUR
7 12 Nov, 09:571 089 EUR
The reserve price of 1 089 EUR was met.
2 6 Nov, 13:25898 EUR
Show all 17 bids
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129. 2483444. ALVAR AALTO. Coffee table, Artek, Finland 1970s, model MX 800 B, the top is made of mahogany rods with interleaved birch and birch.


Height 56, 80 x 80 cm.


Minor Normal wear and tear For condition report please contact ulrika.ruding@auktionsverket.se.

Resale right



Alvar Aalto (1898–1976)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Modern & Contemporary Autumn 2022

Visits: 2,283