58. CARL OSCAR BORG (1879-1947). Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Oil on canvas. Executed in May 1940.

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58. 1500960. CARL OSCAR BORG (1879-1947). Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Oil on canvas. Executed in May 1940.


Signed Carl Oscar Borg. 76 x 65 cm.
Executed from photograph by Mathew Brady taken on February 9, 1864.

Provenance In the artist's family since the execution.


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58. 1500960. CARL OSCAR BORG (1879-1947). Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Oil on canvas. Executed in May 1940.


Signed Carl Oscar Borg. 76 x 65 cm.
Executed from photograph by Mathew Brady taken on February 9, 1864.

Provenance In the artist's family since the execution.


No remarks.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Catalogue no

Kvalitetsauktion Säsongens utvalda hösten 2020

Visits: 2,949