TOYS, 6 pcs., tin, 1900s.


537766. TOYS, 6 pcs., tin, 1900s.


Speedway racer, Tomiyama Japan, length 16.5 cm.
Test pilot, KO, Japan Police car, CKO, West Germany, length 11 cm.
NO.15, KO, Japan Helicopter, Trade Mark Modern Toys, Japan Spaceship, West Germany, length 13.5 cm.


Age and Normal wear and tear. Not function tested. parts are missing for the helicopter.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
112 EUR
Estimate: 183 EUR
Ends in:
9 Dec 2016 at 14:45 EST
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Bid history

4 A 9 Dec, 13:55112 EUR
2 9 Dec, 13:55103 EUR
4 A 9 Dec, 13:5593 EUR
Show all 17 bids
537766. TOYS, 6 pcs., tin, 1900s.


Speedway racer, Tomiyama Japan, length 16.5 cm.
Test pilot, KO, Japan Police car, CKO, West Germany, length 11 cm.
NO.15, KO, Japan Helicopter, Trade Mark Modern Toys, Japan Spaceship, West Germany, length 13.5 cm.


Age and Normal wear and tear. Not function tested. parts are missing for the helicopter.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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