BOOK, "Excerpts from it by A. W: Stjernstedt and C. A. Klingspor published the book of arms of Sweden's Knights and Nobles". About 1880.

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425306. BOOK, "Excerpts from it by A. W: Stjernstedt and C. A. Klingspor published the book of arms of Sweden's Knights and Nobles". About 1880.


Color lithographed depictions of coats of arms (including the national coat of arms). Bookplate Vilhem Kugelberg.
Bookplate Otto Kugelberg.
27 x 21.5 cm.


Pages loose. Pages not fully reviewed. Binder with wear / damage.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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425306. BOOK, "Excerpts from it by A. W: Stjernstedt and C. A. Klingspor published the book of arms of Sweden's Knights and Nobles". About 1880.


Color lithographed depictions of coats of arms (including the national coat of arms). Bookplate Vilhem Kugelberg.
Bookplate Otto Kugelberg.
27 x 21.5 cm.


Pages loose. Pages not fully reviewed. Binder with wear / damage.

Resale right


The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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