4144756. Books about Cicero and Caesar. 8 Volumes.
4144756. Books about Cicero and Caesar. 8 Volumes.
- An Old Man's Thoughts on Old Age by Markus Tullius Cicero, 1902
- Cicero and his friends/Gaston Boissier, 1928
- Cajus Julius Caesar 1-2/Georg Brandes, 1929
- Cicero letters 1-4, 1963.
4144756. Books about Cicero and Caesar. 8 Volumes.
- An Old Man's Thoughts on Old Age by Markus Tullius Cicero, 1902
- Cicero and his friends/Gaston Boissier, 1928
- Cajus Julius Caesar 1-2/Georg Brandes, 1929
- Cicero letters 1-4, 1963.