TEAPOT, Delft, 19th century.

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395154. TEAPOT, Delft, 19th century.


Teapot with rechaud and lidded container - and burner, faience, Delft, late 19th century, white glaze, painted iron red, blue and gold, curved metal frame with lion masks, metal mounting and knob, H.ca.28/15cm.


Pot lid chipped on the inside.

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395154. TEAPOT, Delft, 19th century.


Teapot with rechaud and lidded container - and burner, faience, Delft, late 19th century, white glaze, painted iron red, blue and gold, curved metal frame with lion masks, metal mounting and knob, H.ca.28/15cm.


Pot lid chipped on the inside.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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