CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.


3389366. CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.


Unwoven fabric, “Striped Banana” Inez Svensson, 2005, 150 x 240 cm
2 pieces hemmed, floral fabric, Nina Jobs 2006, approx. 143 x 210 cm
Fabric, “Stolle”, Katarina Briedits, 2001,
2 curtains, 150 x 215 cm and 1 non-woven fabric, 145 x 150 cm.


Wear and tear on the stitched fabrics, minor stains on fabric “Stolle”, fabric “Striped Banana” without notes.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
60 EUR
Estimate: 56 EUR
Ends in:
14 Mar 2024 at 06:48 EDT
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Bid history

2 A 13 Mar, 15:3160 EUR
3 13 Mar, 15:3156 EUR
2 A 13 Mar, 15:3151 EUR
Show all 8 bids
3389366. CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.


Unwoven fabric, “Striped Banana” Inez Svensson, 2005, 150 x 240 cm
2 pieces hemmed, floral fabric, Nina Jobs 2006, approx. 143 x 210 cm
Fabric, “Stolle”, Katarina Briedits, 2001,
2 curtains, 150 x 215 cm and 1 non-woven fabric, 145 x 150 cm.


Wear and tear on the stitched fabrics, minor stains on fabric “Stolle”, fabric “Striped Banana” without notes.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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