3389366. CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.
3389366. CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.
Unwoven fabric, “Striped Banana” Inez Svensson, 2005, 150 x 240 cm
2 pieces hemmed, floral fabric, Nina Jobs 2006, approx. 143 x 210 cm
Fabric, “Stolle”, Katarina Briedits, 2001,
2 curtains, 150 x 215 cm and 1 non-woven fabric, 145 x 150 cm.
Wear and tear on the stitched fabrics, minor stains on fabric “Stolle”, fabric “Striped Banana” without notes.
3389366. CURTAINS AND FABRICS, cotton, Ikea, 2001-06.
Unwoven fabric, “Striped Banana” Inez Svensson, 2005, 150 x 240 cm
2 pieces hemmed, floral fabric, Nina Jobs 2006, approx. 143 x 210 cm
Fabric, “Stolle”, Katarina Briedits, 2001,
2 curtains, 150 x 215 cm and 1 non-woven fabric, 145 x 150 cm.
Wear and tear on the stitched fabrics, minor stains on fabric “Stolle”, fabric “Striped Banana” without notes.