BOOK, Antiquitatibus insulea Feringsöensis, nunc stricte dictae Swartsiölandet... 1751" and DOCUMENTS, 2 pcs., England, 18th/19th century.

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332431. BOOK, Antiquitatibus insulea Feringsöensis, nunc stricte dictae Swartsiölandet... 1751" and DOCUMENTS, 2 pcs., England, 18th/19th century.


Antiquitatibus insulae Feringsöensis nunc stricte dictae Swartsiölandet, dissertatio historica, Quam, suffrag. ampliss. ordine philosoph. in reg. acad. upsale... Mag. Olavi O. Celsii. Johannes Ericus Arenius. 1751.
Bookplate "Tranemåla Samlingen" August Röhss.

Document. West Tytherley Dated Nov 1st 1794.
Robert Thistlethwayte to The Rev. Alex Thistlethwayte In Trust for Henry Thistlethwayte.
Lease of a Messuage or Tenement and Land called Fulseys for 99 years .....deaths of Joseph and Rachael Moody.
Fine 0:50:0 Clean 2:17:6 And a Couple of Hens or 1:6 Dimensions approx. 63 x 74.5 cm.

Document 2 parts. These are to Certify that on the twentieth day of May in the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty nine. Before us William Powell Hooper and William Hutcheson Collins......
Dimensions: approx. 25 x 34 and 37 cm respectively.


Wear, damage, stains. The book is missing 2 copper plates.
One part of the document from 1869 probably cropped on the right edge. Not reviewed.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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332431. BOOK, Antiquitatibus insulea Feringsöensis, nunc stricte dictae Swartsiölandet... 1751" and DOCUMENTS, 2 pcs., England, 18th/19th century.


Antiquitatibus insulae Feringsöensis nunc stricte dictae Swartsiölandet, dissertatio historica, Quam, suffrag. ampliss. ordine philosoph. in reg. acad. upsale... Mag. Olavi O. Celsii. Johannes Ericus Arenius. 1751.
Bookplate "Tranemåla Samlingen" August Röhss.

Document. West Tytherley Dated Nov 1st 1794.
Robert Thistlethwayte to The Rev. Alex Thistlethwayte In Trust for Henry Thistlethwayte.
Lease of a Messuage or Tenement and Land called Fulseys for 99 years .....deaths of Joseph and Rachael Moody.
Fine 0:50:0 Clean 2:17:6 And a Couple of Hens or 1:6 Dimensions approx. 63 x 74.5 cm.

Document 2 parts. These are to Certify that on the twentieth day of May in the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty nine. Before us William Powell Hooper and William Hutcheson Collins......
Dimensions: approx. 25 x 34 and 37 cm respectively.


Wear, damage, stains. The book is missing 2 copper plates.
One part of the document from 1869 probably cropped on the right edge. Not reviewed.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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