FLINTLÅSRIFLE Swedish m/1791 with charging stake.


3318782. FLINTLÅSRIFLE Swedish m/1791 with charging stake.


Lock plate stamped LF and H, I6 and double stamped 102/107.
Pipe length approx. 106,5 cm, smooth drilled bald. 20mm
Total length approx. 146 cm.


Wear, renovated, corrosion. Stock with partial damages and repairs. Hooks up in full and half buckles.


Weapons & Militaria

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
993 EUR
Estimate: 1 083 EUR
Ends in:
18 Feb 2024 at 13:38 CST
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Bid history

4 A 18 Feb, 13:35993 EUR
5 18 Feb, 13:35948 EUR
4 13 Feb, 15:16903 EUR
The reserve price of 903 EUR was met.
Show all 8 bids
3318782. FLINTLÅSRIFLE Swedish m/1791 with charging stake.


Lock plate stamped LF and H, I6 and double stamped 102/107.
Pipe length approx. 106,5 cm, smooth drilled bald. 20mm
Total length approx. 146 cm.


Wear, renovated, corrosion. Stock with partial damages and repairs. Hooks up in full and half buckles.


Weapons & Militaria

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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