WALTO MALMIOLA. Graphic sheet, Ship portrait, Finland, 1942, approx 56 x 46 cm.

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3213467. WALTO MALMIOLA. Graphic sheet, Ship portrait, Finland, 1942, approx 56 x 46 cm.


Picture dimensions approx. 56 x 46 cm, frame dimensions 59 x 48 cm.
The text at the bottom reads: Set and printed with monotype lines in the printing house of the Finnish Consumption Share Act (KK) Helsinki in 1942. Settler Walter Malmiola.


Yellowed leaf, not examined out of frame.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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3213467. WALTO MALMIOLA. Graphic sheet, Ship portrait, Finland, 1942, approx 56 x 46 cm.


Picture dimensions approx. 56 x 46 cm, frame dimensions 59 x 48 cm.
The text at the bottom reads: Set and printed with monotype lines in the printing house of the Finnish Consumption Share Act (KK) Helsinki in 1942. Settler Walter Malmiola.


Yellowed leaf, not examined out of frame.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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