PORCELAIN PICTURE Rosenthal, 2. Half of the 20th century.

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265075. PORCELAIN PICTURE Rosenthal, 2. Half of the 20th century.


Stamped in red on the reverse: Rosenthal Germany, Einsiedler von S. Koninck 1609-1659 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
Scene painted on the front with a hermit studying the Bible based on Salomon Koninck's "The Hermit" in the Old Masters Picture Gallery in Dresden.
In a wooden frame with a brown grain glaze and gold rocailles.
height 44 cm; Width 38.5cm.


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265075. PORCELAIN PICTURE Rosenthal, 2. Half of the 20th century.


Stamped in red on the reverse: Rosenthal Germany, Einsiedler von S. Koninck 1609-1659 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
Scene painted on the front with a hermit studying the Bible based on Salomon Koninck's "The Hermit" in the Old Masters Picture Gallery in Dresden.
In a wooden frame with a brown grain glaze and gold rocailles.
height 44 cm; Width 38.5cm.


No remarks.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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