SHIP MODEL, Norske Love, 1900s.


2569011. SHIP MODEL, Norske Love, 1900s.


Height 87 cm.
Length 110 cm.
The model of the warship Norske Love, designed by the factory master FM Krabbe (1725-96) and whose construction was carried out at the Navy's shipyard in Nyholm near Copenhagen under the direction of the shipbuilder Andreas Holm.


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Highest bid:
101 EUR
Estimate: 228 EUR
Ends in:
18 Dec 2022 at 15:34 CST
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Bid history

5 16 Dec, 13:38101 EUR
3 A 16 Dec, 13:3891 EUR
3 A 11 Dec, 10:0369 EUR
Show all 13 bids
2569011. SHIP MODEL, Norske Love, 1900s.


Height 87 cm.
Length 110 cm.
The model of the warship Norske Love, designed by the factory master FM Krabbe (1725-96) and whose construction was carried out at the Navy's shipyard in Nyholm near Copenhagen under the direction of the shipbuilder Andreas Holm.


Not fully reviewed.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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