NILS NILSSON (1901-1949). "The Bride" 1936. Oil on canvas.

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241925. NILS NILSSON (1901-1949). "The Bride" 1936. Oil on canvas.


Monogram signed NN. 66 x 82 cm.

Provenance Forester Sven Tarras, Gothenburg. Then inherited within the family.

Exhibitions Gothenburg Art Museum, Nils Nilsson, April 7 - May 27, 2001 Prince Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, October 20 - November 25, 2001, pictured p.32.

Literature Art in Swedish homes, volume 1, occupied and depicted p. 56 during collection 14: Forstmästare Sven Tarras, Daltorpsgatan 21, Göteborg.
Werner, Jeff; Nils Nilsson , Gothenburg 1997, mentioned and pictured p.199, picture 91.


Minor color loss.

Resale right


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241925. NILS NILSSON (1901-1949). "The Bride" 1936. Oil on canvas.


Monogram signed NN. 66 x 82 cm.

Provenance Forester Sven Tarras, Gothenburg. Then inherited within the family.

Exhibitions Gothenburg Art Museum, Nils Nilsson, April 7 - May 27, 2001 Prince Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, October 20 - November 25, 2001, pictured p.32.

Literature Art in Swedish homes, volume 1, occupied and depicted p. 56 during collection 14: Forstmästare Sven Tarras, Daltorpsgatan 21, Göteborg.
Werner, Jeff; Nils Nilsson , Gothenburg 1997, mentioned and pictured p.199, picture 91.


Minor color loss.

Resale right


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