COLLIER, silver frame with amethysts, 1920s.

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241920. COLLIER, silver frame with amethysts, 1920s.


Necklace with 15 amethysts in rigid arrow shape Grinding, round, rhomboid and chevron Buckle stamped 820 Length about 40 cm Amethysts can be worn as an amulet against negativity and stress.


Condition 2 smaller stones are missing.

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241920. COLLIER, silver frame with amethysts, 1920s.


Necklace with 15 amethysts in rigid arrow shape Grinding, round, rhomboid and chevron Buckle stamped 820 Length about 40 cm Amethysts can be worn as an amulet against negativity and stress.


Condition 2 smaller stones are missing.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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