Unknown artist, oil on canvas, 19th century, signed W. D. Adams.


2411960. Unknown artist, oil on canvas, 19th century, signed W. D. Adams.


Canvas approx. 91 x 135 cm.


without frame.

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Highest bid:
266 EUR
Estimate: 275 EUR
Ends in:
17 Sep 2022 at 06:50 EDT
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Bid history

3 17 Sep, 06:46266 EUR
1 A 17 Sep, 06:46248 EUR
3 17 Sep, 06:46241 EUR
Show all 16 bids
2411960. Unknown artist, oil on canvas, 19th century, signed W. D. Adams.


Canvas approx. 91 x 135 cm.


without frame.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Visits: 434