TEMPLE BELL, Thailand. 20th century.


212486. TEMPLE BELL, Thailand. 20th century.


Cast brass with dragons in relief. Ornate frame (probably teak). Height: 56cm; Width: 52cm.


signs of wear.

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Highest bid:
50 EUR
Estimate: 110 EUR
Ends in:
25 Dec 2014 at 15:44 EST
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Bid history

1 18 Dec, 19:4950 EUR
The reserve price of 50 EUR was met.
1 12 Dec, 20:2330 EUR
212486. TEMPLE BELL, Thailand. 20th century.


Cast brass with dragons in relief. Ornate frame (probably teak). Height: 56cm; Width: 52cm.


signs of wear.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original German texts.

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