COIN, gold, solidus, Theodosius II 402-450 AD.

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204777. COIN, gold, solidus, Theodosius II 402-450 AD.


Theodosius II, born in April 401, died July 28, 450, was a Byzantine emperor in the years 408-450. Theodosius became emperor at the age of seven. His eldest sister Pulcheria strongly influenced him against the orthodox faith, and many of her views became the official doctrines of the state. Pulcheria's anti-Semitism led to the burning down of many synagogues.

In 421, Theodosius was betrothed to Athenais, who as empress adopted the name Eudocia. In 431, Theodosius convened the Council of Ephesus. He also ordered the destruction of all the temples of the Roman Empire in 435 (435).

Theodosius founded the University of Constantinople. With his collection of codes Codex Theodosianus, he paved the way for Justinian's reforms during the following century.
Emperor Theodosius died in a riding accident.
Weight 4.4 grams.


Normal wear and tear.

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204777. COIN, gold, solidus, Theodosius II 402-450 AD.


Theodosius II, born in April 401, died July 28, 450, was a Byzantine emperor in the years 408-450. Theodosius became emperor at the age of seven. His eldest sister Pulcheria strongly influenced him against the orthodox faith, and many of her views became the official doctrines of the state. Pulcheria's anti-Semitism led to the burning down of many synagogues.

In 421, Theodosius was betrothed to Athenais, who as empress adopted the name Eudocia. In 431, Theodosius convened the Council of Ephesus. He also ordered the destruction of all the temples of the Roman Empire in 435 (435).

Theodosius founded the University of Constantinople. With his collection of codes Codex Theodosianus, he paved the way for Justinian's reforms during the following century.
Emperor Theodosius died in a riding accident.
Weight 4.4 grams.


Normal wear and tear.

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