ROLAND ALF. ROLAND ALF (1929-2020): Tree of Life, signed and dated alf 1969, plaster on wooden plate.

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1813034. ROLAND ALF. ROLAND ALF (1929-2020): Tree of Life, signed and dated alf 1969, plaster on wooden plate.


Approx 60x120 cm HISTORY: Roland Alf was born in 1929 in Högalid, Stockholm and died on May 2, 2020 in Hässelby strand.
Alf started at Konstfack in Stockholm in 1949 with a specialization in Decorative Painting, he then switched to Sculpture.
The studies then continued at the Stockholm City Vocational School for painters and study circles for sketching. Between the years 1948-50, Roland Alf was employed at the Oscar Theater as a theater painter. In the last years of his professional life, he was involved in restoring paintings in churches and in gates/entrances at Östermalm. Roland Alf worked in different techniques and materials such as oil on canvas, plaster, wood and clay.



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Roland Alf (1929–2020)

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1813034. ROLAND ALF. ROLAND ALF (1929-2020): Tree of Life, signed and dated alf 1969, plaster on wooden plate.


Approx 60x120 cm HISTORY: Roland Alf was born in 1929 in Högalid, Stockholm and died on May 2, 2020 in Hässelby strand.
Alf started at Konstfack in Stockholm in 1949 with a specialization in Decorative Painting, he then switched to Sculpture.
The studies then continued at the Stockholm City Vocational School for painters and study circles for sketching. Between the years 1948-50, Roland Alf was employed at the Oscar Theater as a theater painter. In the last years of his professional life, he was involved in restoring paintings in churches and in gates/entrances at Östermalm. Roland Alf worked in different techniques and materials such as oil on canvas, plaster, wood and clay.



Resale right



Roland Alf (1929–2020)

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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