
William Blake was a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age. An English poet, painter, and printmaker, Blake is now considered a towering literary figure and a significant artist, although he was largely unrecognised during his lifetime. His work is characterised by its mystical and visionary qualities, often exploring themes of humanity, divinity, and social justice.

Exploring the Mystical and Visionary in Romantic Art and Poetry

Blake's poetry, including collections like "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience," showcases his innovative use of language and creation of a personal mythology. These works juxtapose the innocence of childhood with the corruption and repression he saw in the society of his time. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" and "The Tyger" are among his most famous poems, noted for their philosophical depth and prophetic qualities.

As an artist, Blake developed a unique method for producing illuminated books, in which he combined text and imagery on the same page. This process involved etching illustrations and text onto copper plates, which were then inked and pressed onto paper. His illuminated books, such as "Jerusalem" and "The Book of Urizen," are considered masterpieces for their intricate designs and interplay of visual and verbal elements.

Blake's visionary approach extended to his political and social views. He was an early advocate for social change, expressing strong views against the dehumanising effects of the Industrial Revolution and critiquing issues like poverty, racial inequality, and the restrictive moral codes of his time.

Despite his obscurity in life, Blake's work gained recognition in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he is now regarded as a key figure in the Romantic movement and a precursor to modernist poetry and art. His influence extends across literature, art, and music, inspiring countless artists, writers, and thinkers.