
Albert Goodwin RWS (1845-1932) was a British landscape painter. He was born on May 13, 1845, in Maidstone, Kent, England, and is known for his atmospheric and romantic landscapes. Goodwin initially trained as an architect but later pursued a career in art.

He exhibited his works at the Royal Academy of Arts in London and became a member of the Royal Watercolour Society (RWS) in 1896. Goodwin travelled extensively throughout his life, finding inspiration in various locations across Europe, including Italy, Greece, Switzerland, and Egypt.

Goodwin's paintings often feature picturesque landscapes, historic ruins, and coastal scenes. He had a distinctive style characterized by his use of vivid colours, loose brushwork, and a sense of mystery and imagination. His works were influenced by the Romantic and Pre-Raphaelite movements of the time.

Albert Goodwin's artistic career spanned several decades, and he received critical acclaim during his lifetime. Today, his works can be found in various galleries and museums, including the Tate Britain in London.