
John Emms was an English painter known for his portraits of dogs and other animals. Born in 1843, he studied at the Royal Academy in London before embarking on a successful career as an artist.

Emms' paintings are known for their lifelike depictions of animals, particularly dogs. He had a talent for capturing their expressions and personalities, and his work often featured hunting scenes and sporting events.

THE HUNTSMAN'S DOGS, Oil on canvas, 30 x 24.5cm.

In addition to his paintings, Emms was also an accomplished illustrator and etcher. He contributed illustrations to books and magazines, and his work was highly regarded for its technical skill and attention to detail.

Emms' art was popular during his lifetime, and he exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy and other major galleries. Today, his paintings can be found in many major art museums and private collections around the world.

Master of Animal Portraits

Emms' legacy as a master of animal portraiture continues to be celebrated by art lovers and collectors alike. His influence can be seen in the work of many contemporary artists who specialise in animal art, and his paintings remain a beloved part of the canon of British art.