53. PAUL HOWARD MANSHIP, after, Actaeon with his hunting dogs, green patinated bronze.

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53. 2459346. PAUL HOWARD MANSHIP, after, Actaeon with his hunting dogs, green patinated bronze.


Height 44 cm Compare Paul Manship's original from 1925 in the Smithsonian American Art Museum The sculpture evokes associations with Carl Mille's heraldic lion, which was conceived in 1923. Furthermore, Mille's student Ellen Roosval von Hallwyl came to work the same artistic expression.


Minor wear.


Efter/After Paul Howard Manship.

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53. 2459346. PAUL HOWARD MANSHIP, after, Actaeon with his hunting dogs, green patinated bronze.


Height 44 cm Compare Paul Manship's original from 1925 in the Smithsonian American Art Museum The sculpture evokes associations with Carl Mille's heraldic lion, which was conceived in 1923. Furthermore, Mille's student Ellen Roosval von Hallwyl came to work the same artistic expression.


Minor wear.


Efter/After Paul Howard Manship.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Eclectic & Decorative October 2022

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