AUTOGRAPHER, by single, by all members of the Beatles, 1963.

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718365. AUTOGRAPHER, by single, by all members of the Beatles, 1963.


Record Cover signed twice by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr Singel She Loves You With B Page I'll Get You PROVENANCE: Monday, October 28, 1963, The Beatles were in Borås. The Beatles first international visit was a tour to Sweden from 23 to 31 October 1963. They performed in Stockholm, Karlstad, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Borås and Stockholm again with a prominent feature in the SVT pop program Drop In. They came to Sweden as relatively unknown. I had heard them at Radio Luxenburg. At that time I was just 15 years old and had begun to let her grow, become "Mods" and liked all new music coming from England. The Beatles were my main idols. Two days before leaving London, the record "She Loves You" had ranked No. 1 on England's top list. When they returned to London on October 31 they were suddenly world stars and a lot of their fans met them at the airport. On Monday, October 28, they arrived at Borås from Gothenburg. There they wrote autographs and signed discs at Waidele, Borås prime record and music store at 16 o'clock in half an hour. I was there and was one of about 50-60 who came in and talked to the four guys. Significantly more wanted autographs. At the table they sat George, Paul, John and Ringo. Ringo smoked all the time. Georg said nothing and John and Paul talked and joked most the whole time. Very few signatures occurred after the visit to Waidele by the entire group. At that time a single cost 7 kr., Ep 11 kr. And one Lp 25 kr. Singel - "She Loves You" - had come to Sweden in August and had just reached the top of the list in Britain while visiting Sweden. I got all the four Beatles to write their autographs both on the front and back of my newly purchased single disc. After signing, I met them again at Boråshallen, Bockasjögatan. Borås nice sports hall where they had a concert at 19.30. There they had a concert for 2 500 paying. The absolute biggest crowd during his tour. In the other places they had several concerts a day but for the audience at 500 - 750 paying. I paid SEK 7 in admission. They were relatively unknown then and were one of several bands that performed during the evening. Among other things, Trio with Bumba and several local bands. The Beatles played 9 songs: Long Tall Sally, Please Please Me, I Saw Her Standing There, From Me To You, A Taste Of Honey, Chains, Boys, She Loves You And Finished With Twist And Shout. They were the first time I witnessed a concert where the audience shouted and at the end of the day, I heard little of what The Beatles sang. The tour was the first of two visits in Sweden. The year after 1964, they played in Stockholm during the summer. It was their last appearance in Sweden. Nyköping, November 5, 2017 Peter Eklund, Born in Borås.


Single with scratches, as well as name with label of the owner, cover with damage, also bearing the owner's signatures.

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718365. AUTOGRAPHER, by single, by all members of the Beatles, 1963.


Record Cover signed twice by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr Singel She Loves You With B Page I'll Get You PROVENANCE: Monday, October 28, 1963, The Beatles were in Borås. The Beatles first international visit was a tour to Sweden from 23 to 31 October 1963. They performed in Stockholm, Karlstad, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Borås and Stockholm again with a prominent feature in the SVT pop program Drop In. They came to Sweden as relatively unknown. I had heard them at Radio Luxenburg. At that time I was just 15 years old and had begun to let her grow, become "Mods" and liked all new music coming from England. The Beatles were my main idols. Two days before leaving London, the record "She Loves You" had ranked No. 1 on England's top list. When they returned to London on October 31 they were suddenly world stars and a lot of their fans met them at the airport. On Monday, October 28, they arrived at Borås from Gothenburg. There they wrote autographs and signed discs at Waidele, Borås prime record and music store at 16 o'clock in half an hour. I was there and was one of about 50-60 who came in and talked to the four guys. Significantly more wanted autographs. At the table they sat George, Paul, John and Ringo. Ringo smoked all the time. Georg said nothing and John and Paul talked and joked most the whole time. Very few signatures occurred after the visit to Waidele by the entire group. At that time a single cost 7 kr., Ep 11 kr. And one Lp 25 kr. Singel - "She Loves You" - had come to Sweden in August and had just reached the top of the list in Britain while visiting Sweden. I got all the four Beatles to write their autographs both on the front and back of my newly purchased single disc. After signing, I met them again at Boråshallen, Bockasjögatan. Borås nice sports hall where they had a concert at 19.30. There they had a concert for 2 500 paying. The absolute biggest crowd during his tour. In the other places they had several concerts a day but for the audience at 500 - 750 paying. I paid SEK 7 in admission. They were relatively unknown then and were one of several bands that performed during the evening. Among other things, Trio with Bumba and several local bands. The Beatles played 9 songs: Long Tall Sally, Please Please Me, I Saw Her Standing There, From Me To You, A Taste Of Honey, Chains, Boys, She Loves You And Finished With Twist And Shout. They were the first time I witnessed a concert where the audience shouted and at the end of the day, I heard little of what The Beatles sang. The tour was the first of two visits in Sweden. The year after 1964, they played in Stockholm during the summer. It was their last appearance in Sweden. Nyköping, November 5, 2017 Peter Eklund, Born in Borås.


Single with scratches, as well as name with label of the owner, cover with damage, also bearing the owner's signatures.

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