A pine bookcase, later part of the 20th century.


4091140. A pine bookcase, later part of the 20th century.


Height 155, width 88, depth 27 cm.


Normal wear and tear,
stains, marks, surface dirt.

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Highest bid:
136 EUR
Estimate: 91 EUR
Ends in:
27 Feb 2025 at 15:42 CST
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Bid history

3 27 Feb, 15:39136 EUR
6 27 Feb, 15:37127 EUR
3 27 Feb, 15:37118 EUR
Show all 20 bids
4091140. A pine bookcase, later part of the 20th century.


Height 155, width 88, depth 27 cm.


Normal wear and tear,
stains, marks, surface dirt.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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