4052622. A pair of similar brass table lamps, first half of the 20th century (2).
A pair of similar brass table lamps.
Height e.g. screen holder: 38 and 41.5 cm.
Diameter: approx. 15.5-16 cm.
Age and usage traces, including tempered brass. One lamp appears with looseness at socket and screen holder, one appears with missing part and bend on screen holder.
4052622. A pair of similar brass table lamps, first half of the 20th century (2).
A pair of similar brass table lamps.
Height e.g. screen holder: 38 and 41.5 cm.
Diameter: approx. 15.5-16 cm.
Age and usage traces, including tempered brass. One lamp appears with looseness at socket and screen holder, one appears with missing part and bend on screen holder.