A pair of candlesticks, bronze alloy zinc, Evan Jensen, Denmark (2).


3997103. A pair of candlesticks, bronze alloy zinc, Evan Jensen, Denmark (2).


Stamped Antika 605 P. under bottom.
Height: 15 cm.
Diametro: 10 cm.
Total weight: about 1204 g.


Minor age and use patina, including candle residue and single stains.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Danish texts.

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Highest bid:
274 EUR
Estimate: 201 EUR
Ends in:
16 Jan 2025 at 06:27 EST
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Bid history

1 A 16 Jan, 06:25274 EUR
4 16 Jan, 06:25261 EUR
1 A 16 Jan, 05:52214 EUR
Show all 9 bids
3997103. A pair of candlesticks, bronze alloy zinc, Evan Jensen, Denmark (2).


Stamped Antika 605 P. under bottom.
Height: 15 cm.
Diametro: 10 cm.
Total weight: about 1204 g.


Minor age and use patina, including candle residue and single stains.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Danish texts.

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