An early 20th century LAVOAR, marble top, painted, brass knobs, inside with shelves.


3589232. An early 20th century LAVOAR, marble top, painted, brass knobs, inside with shelves.


Height to board approx. 72 cm, total height approx. 104 cm, approx. 87 x 47 cm.


Normal wear and tear, later painted, renovated, gluing detached marble slab.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
273 EUR
Estimate: 182 EUR
Ends in:
21 Jun 2024 at 10:42 CDT
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Bid history

3 21 Jun, 10:40273 EUR
2 21 Jun, 10:39255 EUR
3 21 Jun, 10:38237 EUR
Show all 23 bids
3589232. An early 20th century LAVOAR, marble top, painted, brass knobs, inside with shelves.


Height to board approx. 72 cm, total height approx. 104 cm, approx. 87 x 47 cm.


Normal wear and tear, later painted, renovated, gluing detached marble slab.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Visits: 303