A pair of rattan armchairs and stools, modern production.


3515463. A pair of rattan armchairs and stools, modern production.


Armchair in wicker rattan with loose cushion in seat and cushion. Seat height 48 cm. Bamboo and rattan stools with loose seat cushion. Seat height 49 cm.


Normal wear and tear. Armchair with later cushion.

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Highest bid:
65 EUR
Estimate: 109 EUR
Ends in:
16 May 2024 at 09:16 CDT
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Bid history

3 16 May, 09:0265 EUR
4 15 May, 09:4560 EUR
3 A 15 May, 09:4556 EUR
Show all 10 bids
3515463. A pair of rattan armchairs and stools, modern production.


Armchair in wicker rattan with loose cushion in seat and cushion. Seat height 48 cm. Bamboo and rattan stools with loose seat cushion. Seat height 49 cm.


Normal wear and tear. Armchair with later cushion.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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