TIN CAN, coffee bus, Engwall Hellberg AB, 1930s.

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341724. TIN CAN, coffee bus, Engwall Hellberg AB, 1930s.


height 17.5 cm, length 34 cm, width 12.5 cm, manufactured by Brusewitz tinware factory, Gothenburg.


Normal wear and tear, rust stains.

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341724. TIN CAN, coffee bus, Engwall Hellberg AB, 1930s.


height 17.5 cm, length 34 cm, width 12.5 cm, manufactured by Brusewitz tinware factory, Gothenburg.


Normal wear and tear, rust stains.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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