NIELS GAMMELGAARD, an IKEA “Järpen” armchair and table, late 20th century.


3348325. NIELS GAMMELGAARD, an IKEA “Järpen” armchair and table, late 20th century.


Table in shiny corrugated metal with glass top. Dimensions 59x59, height 49 cm. Chair in lacquered metal. Seat height 34/23 cm.


Wear with some rust.

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Highest bid:
64 EUR
Estimate: 137 EUR
Ends in:
26 Feb 2024 at 05:06 EST
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Bid history

2 A 26 Feb, 04:5464 EUR
1 26 Feb, 04:5460 EUR
2 A 26 Feb, 04:5355 EUR
Show all 7 bids
3348325. NIELS GAMMELGAARD, an IKEA “Järpen” armchair and table, late 20th century.


Table in shiny corrugated metal with glass top. Dimensions 59x59, height 49 cm. Chair in lacquered metal. Seat height 34/23 cm.


Wear with some rust.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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