The Galactic Ensemble presents 4 characters from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Series, including Jean-Luc Picard, Lwaxana Troi, Commander Riker, and Ambassador Sarek. This selection of characters provides a fascinating insight into the world of the next generation of Star Trek. Jean-Luc Picard, as the outstanding captain of the USS Enterprise, heads the collection and embodies the leadership and integrity of Starfleet. Lwaxana Troi, Commander Riker and Ambassador Sarek bring additional depth and diversity to this galactic ensemble. These carefully crafted characters not only capture the distinctive features of the Star Trek: The Next Generation characters, but also allow fans to rediscover key moments from the series. The Galactic Ensemble is a must-have for Star Trek collectors and fans of the next generation.
Dimensions - height: approx. 26cm
- Width: approx. 20 cm
- Depth: approx. 5 cm
- Weight: approx. 121g
If you are not satisfied with the cost structure of the transport or need fast delivery of your items, please contact us directly.
- very good condition; see pictures
- Traces currently; see pictures.
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The Galactic Ensemble presents 4 characters from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Series, including Jean-Luc Picard, Lwaxana Troi, Commander Riker, and Ambassador Sarek. This selection of characters provides a fascinating insight into the world of the next generation of Star Trek. Jean-Luc Picard, as the outstanding captain of the USS Enterprise, heads the collection and embodies the leadership and integrity of Starfleet. Lwaxana Troi, Commander Riker and Ambassador Sarek bring additional depth and diversity to this galactic ensemble. These carefully crafted characters not only capture the distinctive features of the Star Trek: The Next Generation characters, but also allow fans to rediscover key moments from the series. The Galactic Ensemble is a must-have for Star Trek collectors and fans of the next generation.
Dimensions - height: approx. 26cm
- Width: approx. 20 cm
- Depth: approx. 5 cm
- Weight: approx. 121g
If you are not satisfied with the cost structure of the transport or need fast delivery of your items, please contact us directly.
- very good condition; see pictures
- Traces currently; see pictures.
Do you have something similar to sell? Get your items valued free of charge!