A necklace, garnets, yellow metal, 20th century.


3095049. A necklace, garnets, yellow metal, 20th century.


Length approx. 43 cm.
Width 10-14.5 mm.


Normal wear and tear, damage.

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Highest bid:
122 EUR
Estimate: 109 EUR
Ends in:
28 Oct 2023 at 14:51 EDT
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Bid history

2 27 Oct, 11:33122 EUR
3 A 27 Oct, 11:33113 EUR
2 27 Oct, 11:33111 EUR
Show all 14 bids
3095049. A necklace, garnets, yellow metal, 20th century.


Length approx. 43 cm.
Width 10-14.5 mm.


Normal wear and tear, damage.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Visits: 290