WALL PENDULUM WITH WALL LIGHTS, 3 parts, Gustavian style, gilt, carved decoration, first half of the 20th century.


3068658. WALL PENDULUM WITH WALL LIGHTS, 3 parts, Gustavian style, gilt, carved decoration, first half of the 20th century.


Bronzed gilt wood. Decoration of foliage and roses. About 49x28 cm.


Wear, loose parts included.

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Highest bid:
55 EUR
Estimate: 73 EUR
Ends in:
10 Nov 2023 at 09:18 EST
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Bid history

1 10 Nov, 08:0155 EUR
The reserve price of 55 EUR was met.
1 10 Nov, 07:5932 EUR
1 9 Nov, 12:1628 EUR
3068658. WALL PENDULUM WITH WALL LIGHTS, 3 parts, Gustavian style, gilt, carved decoration, first half of the 20th century.


Bronzed gilt wood. Decoration of foliage and roses. About 49x28 cm.


Wear, loose parts included.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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