TEXTILES early 20th century, shag, wool, embroidery.

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258130. TEXTILES early 20th century, shag, wool, embroidery.


Square tablecloth in shagg, Art Nouveau pattern on petrol blue bottom, 154x150 cm, Drapery lengths, wool, woven, earth colors, fringe at the bottom, 2 pcs 250x96 cm.
Cross stitch embroidered, cushion, not stuffed.
Cloth, wool fabric, brown with lashes, length excluding lashes 150 cm.


Wear, cushion with damage, presence of stains.

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258130. TEXTILES early 20th century, shag, wool, embroidery.


Square tablecloth in shagg, Art Nouveau pattern on petrol blue bottom, 154x150 cm, Drapery lengths, wool, woven, earth colors, fringe at the bottom, 2 pcs 250x96 cm.
Cross stitch embroidered, cushion, not stuffed.
Cloth, wool fabric, brown with lashes, length excluding lashes 150 cm.


Wear, cushion with damage, presence of stains.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. Auctionet.com is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Leiflers Auktionshus
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