ARMCHAIRS, 4 pcs, "Cattelin", Axel Kandell, Gemla, designed 1948.


2342757. ARMCHAIRS, 4 pcs, "Cattelin", Axel Kandell, Gemla, designed 1948.


Beech wood in beech. Upholstered seat. Seat height about 45 cm. The height of the frames is about 74 cm.
The model designed for the Cattelin restaurant in Stockholm.


Normal wear and tear, minor stains and bumps.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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Highest bid:
102 EUR
Estimate: 232 EUR
Ends in:
30 Aug 2022 at 14:51 CDT
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Bid history

1 30 Aug, 14:49102 EUR
2 24 Aug, 00:5393 EUR
The reserve price of 93 EUR was met.
2 24 Aug, 00:5365 EUR
Show all 5 bids
2342757. ARMCHAIRS, 4 pcs, "Cattelin", Axel Kandell, Gemla, designed 1948.


Beech wood in beech. Upholstered seat. Seat height about 45 cm. The height of the frames is about 74 cm.
The model designed for the Cattelin restaurant in Stockholm.


Normal wear and tear, minor stains and bumps.

The item details are approximate automatic translations. is not responsible for any translation errors. Show the original Swedish texts.

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